The Wackiest Celebrity Baby Names: A List of The Goofiest Named Kids in Hollywood

Celebrities are everywhere these days and it seems like they are constantly pregnant. Jennifer Lopez and Mark Anthony just welcomed their twins into the world. Nicole Richie delivered a baby girl recently and Christina Aguilera became a first time mom as well. 

While celebrities are enjoying fertility galore it appears they have forgotten an important part of the equation, giving their child a solid name. But the current patch of new celebrity parents can’t be blamed entirely for bad names; it has been a trend in Tinsletown for some time now.

Chuckle at the Birth Certificates

Those celebs are a talented bunch and no one can accuse them of being to uptight. Just look at some of the names they conjured up in a pinch.

In the 1970’s David Bowie had a funny idea. He thought it would be a great idea to name his son Zowie, Zowie Bowie (okay in all fairness Bowie’s real surname is Jones) but the giggles still came. Zowie, an advertising exec, eventually changed his name to Duncan.

Jason Lee also has a fine sense of humor. In 2003 he and his fiancĂ© settled on Pilot Inspektor Riesgraf-Lee for their son. It’s all fun and games on the birth certificate but what happens when Pilot actually grows up?

In 2005 Penn Jillette took his act off stage and decided to charm his new baby girl with a comical name. He is the proud papa to Moxie Crimefighter, because who is going to know her middle name anyway?

Starting Careers Early

It is hard being raised in Hollywood. Children can lose sight of their goals and turn into train wrecks at the first sound of free flowing martinis. Some celebs have taken matters into their own hands and have worked hard to ensure success (or lack there of) is instilled early.

Nicholas Cage is a quirky guy. He appears to have certain obsessions; namely Elvis Presley and comic books and that was all fine and good until he crossed the line. Cage honored his hobby by naming his son Kal-El in 2005. As the comic goes Superman’s original name was Kal-El. Those are awfully big shoes for the kid to fill.

Shannyn Sossamonsettled on Audio Science for her son in 2003. Her Celeb status is questionable but the baby name sent her soaring to water-cooler fodder status. Here is to hoping he discovers a new radio frequency or invents an iPod implant.

U2’s “The Edge” (David Evans) decided to force his daughter into a life of flight formation demonstrations. Evans’ daughter, Blue Angel, was born in 1989.

Unlike the above mentioned celebs David Duchovny and Tea Leoni didn’t want to put much pressure on their little boy. In fact it appears that they are trying really hard to raise a wallflower. They needed something nondescript, something almost anonymous. The pair named their son, Kyd.

Egos are Big in Hollywood

Some celebrities are extremely into themselves so much so that naming one child after themselves simply is not enough.

Michael Jackson is the proud papa of Prince Michael, Prince Michael II and Paris Michael. It is only fitting that the king of pop have a prince, but he couldn’t stop at one, he needed two. Add in the disturbing nickname “Blanket” for Prince Michael 2.0 and Jackson’s decline is evident.
But Michael isn’t the only Jackson with an ego; while he doesn’t have duplicates Jermaine Jackson has a son named Jermajesty.

An ego-induced name list wouldn’t be complete with out mention of George Foreman. The purveyor of The Lean Mean Grilling Machine is the proud father of ten children. Five of them are named George and that’s only because there are only five boys in the family. Foreman did manage to slip in a feminized version of his name for one of the girls. Georgetta rounds out the fine George dynasty.

What is Next?

Strangely named children are nothing new in Hollywood and it will likely continue for some time. Who knows what’s next but Brooke Burke, who recently gave birth is usually good for a ridiculous name so keep your eyes peeled.


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