Celebrity Apprentice – Week Eight: Marilu Henner’s Manic Energy vs. Trace Adkins’ Laid Back Style

As the episode begins, Hydra waits in the boardroom to see who will get fired from Empresario. However, the entire team returns in an Apprentice first. Despite Hydra’s victory and Empresario’s staying power, the energy level is quiet and solemn as a result of the verbal arguments between Piers Morgan and Omarosa.

Donald Trump decides to switch the team members around, moving Omarosa to Empresario and Marilu Henner to Hydra. Morgan comments that exchanging Omarosa for Henner was a little like “replacing the devil with Nelson Mandela.”

Why Piers Morgan Joined Celebrity Apprentice

Morgan then calls up his charity, the Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund, to tell them he has a check worth over $64,000 to give them. This moment reminds him why he chose to be on Celebrity Apprentice in the first place. It gives Morgan the reality check he needs to refocus his energy and put the past challenge behind him.

Selling Products on QVC

The next challenge is to write, produce, and direct a live, ten-minute segment on QVC. Stephen Baldwin once again volunteers to be project manager for Empresario while Henner is chosen for Hydra.

The teams have a choice between six different products to sell: a magnifying mirror, utility tool kit, a bamboo storage drawer, fry pan, electric sweeper, and a ladder than turns into a hand truck.

As it turns out, both teams initially choose the ladder, and must negotiate on which group will sell that particular product. Carol Alt and Henner represent Hydra in the discussion against Baldwin and Tito Ortiz from Empresario. In the end, a coin toss determines that Hydra will get to sell the ladder. Empresario picks the sweeper as its second product choice.

Each team is given a QVC host to help them on air and a creative consultant to explain payment and processing. Empresario discusses QVC’s Easy Pay option, which allows the group to break up the cost for the sweeper into five payments.

The Teams Choose Their Spokespeople

Baldwin chooses Trace Adkins to be the spokesperson for Empresario. The team urges Baldwin to get a script together and rehearse with Adkins. Baldwin, however, feels that the country music star is more than comfortable in front of a group, and decides against it.

On Hydra’s side, Morgan once again wants to use Lennox Lewis to sell their product. Henner disagrees since they’ve used Lewis too much already and also because she’s been on QVC before. She feels she or Alt would be more suited to the role of spokesperson, as both have previously sold products on the channel.

Energy Level Extremes

Henner practices with her QVC host prior to airtime. Her energy level is almost manic, and her nonstop talking doesn’t allow for the host to get a word in. She then asks the host to step on the hand truck so she can demonstrate its strength, and accidentally drops the host right to the floor. The host jokes that he’d like to go on the other team.

Both teams took an extremely different approach in selling their products. The members of Empresario take a cue from team member Adkins and appear easygoing and laid back. They work as a team but the energy level is cool and efficient.

In start contrast, Hydra’s team is bursting with Henner’s energy. She talks over the other members of her team and even the QVC host. She demonstrates the ladder well but then talks over the people calling in.

A Rare Win for Empresario

In the end, however, the sales figures told the final story. Empresario sold 716 units for a total of $43,000. Hydra sold 703 units and made $35,145. Once again, Baldwin is the winning project manager and will get $20,000 for his charity.

In the boardroom, Trump asks the members of Hydra why they didn’t suggest the Easy Pay option like Empresario did. He tells Alt and Henner that they should have known about this since they both worked for the network before. Both, however, claimed they were unaware of it.

Henner Fired from Celebrity Apprentice

Trump asks each team member whom he should fire. Morgan volunteers Lewis, who was sleepy and didn’t contribute as much to the team. Alt says Henner should go, since she was the project manager and took on the responsibility for most of the tasks. Lennox agrees.

Henner refuses to answer, but says Alt provided the most value for this task. Alt gets to leave while Henner brings Morgan and Lewis back into the boardroom with her. Trump felt Henner’s manic energy overshadowed the entire task, and she was fired.


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