Top Seven Eco-Friendly Celebrities

Ed Begley Jr.

Long before it was trendy, Ed and his wife were driving a hybrid car and working with alternative energy for residential use. They have now become major activists with a syndicated show on sustainable living and even an active Twitter feed that notifies subscribers of the newest "green" initiatives. He and his wife maintain their own organic garden and orchard at their residence and run a "mostly" vegetarian household in a neighborhood located in the San Fernando valley region.

Robert Redford

Environmental issues have been a lifelong passion for this acclaimed actor, and his support of the National Resource Defense Council has helped turn this organization into a major force that gets results in stopping polluters, promoting alternative energy and protecting wildlife. 

With a personal motto of "make every day earth day," Robert has now turned his "star-power" into an Internet phenomenon and is now writing regular blogs and in-depth articles about pressing environmental issues that get priority attention from high profile publications.

Willie Nelson

Willies' hard-partying days are long behind him, and he is now a fan of fresh papayas with yogurt every morning and has turned his attention to promoting bio-fuels, encouraging peaceful war protest and supporting farmers' rights. 

Between playing golf at his ranch in Texas and relaxing at his beachfront home in Maui, Willie finds time in his semi-retirement to perform benefits for local charities, national nonprofits and ecologically oriented foundations.

Laura Dern

As the mother of a growing youngster, Laura has taken a special interest in baby clothing, foods and cleaning products that promote a healthy environment. Along with an attitude that "less is more," Laura has adopted a sensible approach to child safety and does not permit any dangerous chemicals, carpets or paints into her home. 

As a member of the Healthy Child Healthy World organization in Los Angeles that advocates nontoxic environments, Laura has jumped headlong into educating parents about healthy choices they can make to protect their children at home. She has been working on a book about the subject with the organization's executive director, Christopher Gavigan, which is due out by the end of the year.

Leonardo Dicaprio

From his ultra-green apartment in New York City to his hybrid car, heart-throb Leonardo is leading the charge to show by example how luxury and ecology can combine in sensible lifestyle choices. After the release of his movie The 11th Hour he has been sure to practice what he preaches, and he has made sure that the public is aware of what kind of items are available that do not harm the environment. As a member of the National Resource Defense Council, he has made numerous public appearances encouraging clean energy and condemning polluters like BP. 

Leonardo spends quite a bit of time working with Senators and Congressmen to pass a Clean Energy Jobs and American Power Act that will promote alternative energy on a national scale in the U.S.

Woody Harrelson

Woody spends so much time supporting ecologically friendly companies and charities that it's hard to believe he still has time to make movies! A big proponent of vegan raw foods, Woody has kept himself busy developing models for sustainable communities. 

Working with fellow activist Sheryl Crow, he has been promoting organic blue jeans and hemp-related products. With his pal Owen Wilson, he is developing community property in Hawaii that will promote sustainable land use and community development.

Edward Norton

Since his father was an environmental lawyer, Ed was - as they say - "raised in the business " of preserving nature's treasures. His recent appointment as the United Nations Goodwill Ambassador for Biodiversity has increased Ed's involvement in the green movement to nearly a full time occupation for this acclaimed star. From his eco-friendly solar home in Malibu, he has promoted sustainable lifestyles around the world and even ran in last year's New York marathon to raise $300,000 for the Maasai Wilderness Conservation Trust. 

As a proponent of energy conservation, Ed has been teaming up with stars like Alanis Morissette to bring awareness to energy conservation by appearing on the Larry King show and encouraging viewers to turn off their lights during the program.


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