Tips on Attracting Celebrities to a PR Event: Invite Celebrities

Become a Celebrity Hot Spot

Prominent celebrities are always followed by the media everywhere they go. By association, any event or place of business they visit seem to rapidly gain reputation, noted by establishments like New York City's Koi Restaurant, Miami's Cameo Night Club, and Los Angeles' Green Door Club.
That is why advertisers invest in using celebrity faces to promote various products. 

By using the celebrity as a source of publicity, many people will be interested in the PR event, and thus improve revenue perspectives for the targeted business. In layman's terms: If a product or place is heavily associated with a prominent public figure, more people will be interested in it.

If you want to attract celebrities to an event you are promoting, there are several ways in which you can do just that.

Rent a celebrity. You can pay a celebrity a fee for them to come to your PR event, as many celebrities are willing to show up for any event if they are handsomely paid for it. Different celebrities have different fees, depending on their “stock value”. Top, “A List” celebrities can cost up to a few million if you want them to be in your PR event. If you want to invite a movie star to your PR event, be prepared to pay for plane tickets, travel, lodging, and miscellaneous costs.

If you do not want to spend all that money - or you simply cannot afford such an extravagant tab - then you could rent "B List" or “C List” celebrities. As sad as it may sound, celebrity stock prices are determined largely by how “famous” they are. Daytime TV presenters, theater actors, and entertainers that work for small agencies, tend to be more affordable than “A List” celebrities.

Consider hiring a “celebutante” to a PR event. If a client has worked with or dealt with a celebrity in their past, there's a good chance that they will come at the event you are organizing – and save you the extravagant costs associated with the crème de la crème of the entertainment industry.

People are hungry for “celebrities.” Bring them to a PR event and the hordes, cameras, and rabid fans will follow.


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